Hi all,
Do you have housekeeping things you only do in the weeks leading up to spring?
My “For Spring” list includes repotting the plants, hauling up the air conditioners from the basement, packing away my winter sweaters, and deep-cleaning the scary parts of the apartment (like the bottom drawer of the oven or, more ambitiously, behind the fridge/stove…which may or may not happen).
But my favorite annual pre-spring housekeeping activity is the Freezer Edit, something I’ve written about before and have been doing once a year for the past several years. It’s simple: You take everything out of your freezer, write down your inventory, and then make a plan for how to use up anything that’s been in there for longer than you can remember to make room for next year. It’s an exercise that always reveals at least a few good meals to be had and gets me thinking creatively about how to use up the odds and ends that can be used up now to free up precious freezer space for future goodies.
I thought it would be fun to share how I went about this year’s Freezer Edit, as well as a bunch of ideas for how I’m planning to get rid of stuff (via eating them).