Gone upstate (+ some announcements!)
Bringing you general miscellany in-between hot tub soaks (sorry)
Greetings from upstate New York, where I’m currently listening to the sounds of a summer shower, eating a post-hike turkey sandwich with honey mustard and a thick blanket of iceberg, and heating up the hot tub for a rainy day soak. Why yes, I *am* in paradise.
(Okay, I actually wrote the above paragraph a couple of hours ago and have since hot tubbed in the rain and showered outdoors and am now eating Mexican leftovers in cozy sweats. It’s hard to do things up here.)
I’ll be writing you from upstate for the next couple of weeks while I ride out the best housesitting gig of all time for the loveliest humans with the nicest house (hi J+L!) I’m certainly in the late-summer, end-of-August doldrums as far as writing/working go, so apologies if things get a little sleepy around these parts—I’ll be in the hot tub.
I do however have some exciting announcements to share!
I am cooking a VEGAN POP-UP DINNER on 9/21 at Public Records with my sweet friend Kendra Vaculin, who is a prolific Bon Appétit food editor by day and professional thrower of chic dinner parties by night and manages to maintain megababe status while doing it all. We’ll be slinging a la carte vegan delights in the upstairs lounge at Public Records. The Resy link isn’t live yet, but mark your calendars and when it is (prob sometime next week) I’ll alert you all here. Hope to see some of you there! (And if you don’t have plans tonight, try to sneak into Kendra’s sold-out dinner with other BA sweetie Rachel Gurjar—rumor is there are some extremely limited walk-ins available.)
I am absolutely thrilled to be collaborating with my Pilates/kettlebell/fascia/all-around-movement guru Cadence Dubus of Brooklyn Strength on a 7-week virtual fall program all about learning to nourish yourself in a way that makes sense for YOU (no counting calories, no scales, no harmful diet talk). Cadence offers Nourish Yourself every year, and this year I will be joining in with guidance and advice on everything from setting your pantry up for mealtime success to basic cooking techniques everyone should know to snacks (because you probably need more snacks). It will run from Sept. 16th to Oct. 28th. Early bird sign-up will open around Labor Day weekend; I’ll drop more details then.
I want to thank the Gentle Foods paid subscriber community for your continued support. Your dollars go toward many things, including whenever possible investments back into our communities. This month, I have donated 10% of your contributions to Chef Hui’s Maui Relief Fund to support on-the-ground meals for communities directly impacted by the devastating fires. (Thank you to Elyse Inamine for sharing this resource with me.)
See you all next week!